Holiday dream to Selinunte in Sicily 2/17/2025
SelinDream - Vacanze da sogno a Selinunte in Sicilia. Affitti vacanze selinunte sicilia


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Typical products of Valle del Belice

... a Dream

Sardines and fresh fish products of Selinunte

Selinunte, every morning (except when the first day pulls a strong wind Scirocco) moved the auction of fresh fish, or known as "the more fascinating fish ".
Below is a non-exhaustive list of fish that is commonly fished to Selinunte, the first among all sardine's selinuntine.

The small Sardinian selinuntina with his form appuntita and tapered and the vibrant colors silver

Sardine: sardine is a fish, the family of Clupeidi, among the most popular in the Mediterranean Sea but is, in various species, in all temperate seas of the globe. Sardine has the body ovalizzato with fairing poorly developed, the mouth is prepared in the central part. The whole body except the head, is covered with large scales. Are the flanks and white belly, while the back is green-blue. It reaches the length of 20-25 cm. It serves the dorsal fin and caudal fin to swim. For its quality is recommended by nutritionists in the Mediterranean diet and cardiologists in the prevention of heart disease especially in people with high cholesterol. It is widely used in Palermo, Trapani and the rest of Sicily to prepare the famous recipe of pasta with sardines.
Miss is the feast held for the day of the Sacred Heart of Mary with the typical sardiata, where sardines are prepared to square scaro of bruca on fire, and offered to participants by fishermen selinuntini to thank Our Lady of fish and healthy the summer season now drawing to a close.

Boxes octopus, squid and cuttlefish

Octopus, Squid and Cuttlefish.
The Squid: (Loligo vulgaris) is a shellfish cefalopode family Loliginidae. It is characterised by the shell and inner body stretched with fins side reaching the rear of the bag. It has 10 tentacles of which 2 longer and covered by several files windy. The color is rosy-transparent veins with dark red and violet. It reaches a length of 30-50 cm. He lives above the sandy bottom.
Octopus common (from greek πολύς (polýs), "very" and πούς, (poùs), "foot", "by several feet") or octopus (Octopus vulgaris Cuvier, 1797) is a cefalopode family Octopodidae. Often we refer to octopus improperly using the word polyp, but this is wrong because these are aquatic animals (or some form thereof) belonging to the phylum of celenterati.
The cuttlefish: (Sepiidae) are molluscs marine cephalopods disseminated in any sea or ocean of the globe. They are oval surrounded by a fin that trouble to move water and have 10 feet, 8 of which are real tentacles and the other two are longer, retractable, used for defence and often for breeding. Animals are capable of mimetizzarsi depending on the seabed that found in a few seconds and the mantle, in addition to the famous bone of cuttlefish, their internal skeleton of the shell, have a bag for the ink, which is ejected when the cuttlefish feels threatened . The size ranging from 5 cm to 90 cm seppiola to the common cuttlefish (Sepia officinalis), widespread in our seas. The cuttlefish are present in almost all seas and live in the seabed. You can easily find both on sandy bottoms in both those rocky generally well mimetizzate.

Sole back from greenish

Sole: are fish whose evolution has brought to posture lying on a side, with an acuity that has moved to the other side, the side facing the surface of the water. Even colouring has followed this trend: the side facing the bottom is white, that upwards is brown marbled, mimetic and often Chameleon: The sole fact able to change color to imitate the surrounding environment thanks to cromatofori, cells with colored pigments occurring. Its meat is much appreciated in the kitchen: very delicate flavor will not be decided neither characteristic, which allows for different preparations adoperarla it is easily combined with other ingredients, in order to obtain a mousse or rolls.

The gilt

Gilthead: (Sparus aurata) is a fish teleosteo with thoracic ventral fins, belonging to the family of Sparidi. The name derives from the characteristic color strip of gold shows that fish between the eyes. The Gilthead is present throughout the basin of the Mediterranean Sea and East Atlantic, dall'estremo south of the British islands in Cape Verde. It is a strictly coastal fish and lives between 5 and 150 m from the coast; normally leads a solitary life or small groups. The orata is the subject of sport fishing and commercial on all the Mediterranean coast. The gilt caught with more lean meat than farmed (due to lesser opportunities to move and greater quantity of available food latter).

Some red scorpion along with other fish broth

Redfish: The redfish red (Scorpaena scrofa Linnaeus, 1758) is a fish from the family of Scorpaenidae. In the Mediterranean there is also a variety of redfish with brown color (black scorpion). It has a length of up to about 60 cm, red or pink, yellow and brown stains. The colors are bright aposematici, which have the function to warn predators that the species is dangerous. The head is large and army aculei poisonous, ridges and various excrescences. It is widespread in the eastern Atlantic, from the British Isles, Morocco, the Canary Islands, the Azores, in the Mediterranean Sea and the Black Sea. The redfish red is caught for its meat, much appreciated and used in a variety of fish broths.

Pagelli or Fragolini, known in Sicilian dialect Luvari

Luvari: (Pagelli or Fragolini) body stretched, fusiform covered with large scales. Eye large, horizontal mouth facility at the bottom. Jaws with both of certain series of sharp teeth. It has one dorsal fin and anal, fin codale irregular forcuta. Colour reddish-silver on the back, clearer on the sides and white on the belly, is a characteristic dark stain all'attaccatura of pectoral fins. Length 20-35 cm. Meat discrete, but little commercial interest. Commercializzato frasco, frozen, dried. The fish is fresh if it has gills red meat soda, skin viscida and lucid. He lives up to 300 meters deep on the seabed is rocky that muddy, is caught with bottom trawls, with long lines and deep pot. E 'commune in central and western Mediterranean and East Atlantic.

Fish Sword

Fish Sword: The Swordfish (or simply Sword) is the only species of the family of Xiphiidae. These fish reach large, with a maximum length of over 4.5 me a weight exceeding abundantly the 400 kg. Their appearance is characteristic, the body agile and muscular, almost squaliforme, but the fins hard and agile show a lifetime of speed and power, is a predator fish and migratory. The most recognizable feature is obviously the sword, long up to one third of the entire body, made up of bone material and therefore extremely dangerous when used as a weapon of offense. There are sources that testify as swordfish were already caught in the Strait of Messina between the seventeenth and fifteenth century BC. Fishing for swordfish, you could talk about hunting swordfish, in the truest sense, having regard to the procedures adopted in the waters of the Strait is practiced by May at the end of August and then goes back to archaic times. Like the similar marlin, swordfish is often the subject of sport fishing and prey coveted by many fishermen who trade the prized meat, which consume smoked in carpaccio, raw in Japanese sashimi or roasted in various recipes. The swordfish is a prized dish typical Sicilian and Calabrian, becoming characteristic gastronomic locations. Fish in a manner entirely picturesque (sung by Domenico Modugno in the song "u piscispada", who knew the Sicilian dialect as married to a Messina) with the traditional boat known as Spatare; swordfish is often in Calabria and Sicily subject of fairs and festivals popular during the summer months.

The Prawns

The Prawns: (Caridea Dana, 1852) are un'infraordine crustaceans decapodi. The shrimp has an average size of 10 cm, and the cylindrical-shaped body, covered by a shell not very tough, that during the growth changes several times to ricrearne a new one. The carapace is divided into two parts, the cefalotorace (forwards) and abdomen (rear, formed by 6 shares furniture), with a colour which varies from species to species. Before presenting two antennas that have the function of sensory organs, 2 claws and several slender legs. The tail is shaped like a narrow range. The heart is located in the head.

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